Meat Processing
On this page you’ll find important information about pricing as well as government requirements for the sanitary use of our slaughter and custom-processing services. Please return often to check for updates, read carefully and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Prices are reviewed regularly and are subject to change.
All-Natural Dog Food
Sale on grass-fed, locally-procured raw dog food. $2.50/lb.
Supplies are limited! Please contact us by phone or email to reserve your order.
Please call us at 935-2911 well in advance of processing time to book your dates. Live animals are processed on Tuesdays every week, year-round.
Reporting Requirements
Deliveries of beef and pork for slaughter with us must be accompanied by the appropriate traceability paperwork. Learn about the forms you’ll need to submit with your livestock delivery here.
Livestock booked for slaughter must be dropped off between 8am and 6pm Mondays for Tuesday slaughter and should be delivered by livestock trailer. All livestock must be clean and healthy. We reserve the right to refuse animals which are contaminated (e.g. manure on hide, visibly abscessed) or injured.
Cutting orders inform our staff about how to cut and package your meat. Download order forms from the menu to the left or links in each section below.
Cutting order forms must be received by the time you deliver your livestock for slaughter.
Please note:
- animals processed without a cutting order will be processed according to our standard cutting order.
- custom processing orders are limited to a maximum of two per animal; one order per side.
Unless otherwise specified, all orders are frozen for you to reduce the cost of freezing it yourself. Typically beef is hung for two weeks after slaughter before cutting; all other meats are usually ready within a week of slaughter; we will notify you when your order is ready for pickup. If you wish your customer to pick up product directly, please provide their name and telephone number on your cutting order and we will notify them that their meat is ready.
slaughter & processing – BEEF & BISON
Slaughter Fees:
- Beef 0 – 500 lbs, under 30 months, dressed: $175
- Beef 501 lbs – 700 lbs, under 30 months, dressed: $200
- Beef 701 lbs and up, under 30 months, dressed: $225
- Beef over 30 months – includes disposal of SRM material: $300
- Bison: $300
Heavily Tagged Animals: $50 surcharge
It is your responsibility as a farmer to ensure your animals are delivered to us clean and dry. It is our responsibility to maintain sanitary premises. We test for e.coli and we reserve the right to refuse animals which are contaminated (e.g. manure on hide, visibly abscessed) or injured.
Handling Fee: $0.15/lb (on animals not being cut & wrapped on site)
*NO STORAGE. All animals not being processed must be picked up within 3 days of slaughter.
Cut/Wrap/Freeze: $1.10/lb
Split Sides: additional $10/quarter
Vac-Sealing: $1/bag
Patty-making: $2.25/lb
Sliced Livers: $15.00 each
Hearts & Tongues: $15.00 each
Disposal of inedibles: included
Refrigerated delivery to further-processor: included
Condemnation fee: slaughter fee + $100 disposal fee
All-Natural Dog Food
Sale on grass-fed, locally-procured raw dog food. $2.50/lb.
Supplies are limited! Please contact us by phone or email to reserve your order.
* Please note: we must receive your completed cutting order(s) no less than five days following your animal’s slaughter. Cutting orders received after the five-day deadline may result in a $20 late fee.

Slaughter Fees
- 250 lbs and under: $75 ( * not including colored pigs)
- Colored/spotted pigs: $105
- For every additional 50 lbs above 250: add $5
- Cull Sows (skinned out): $175
- Handling fee – charged on animals not being cut & wrapped on site
- 250 lbs and under: $0.15/lb
- 251 lbs and up: $0.25/lb
- *NO STORAGE. All animals not being processed must be picked up within 3 days of slaughter.
We reserve the right to refuse animals which are contaminated (e.g. manure on hide, visibly abscessed) or injured.
Cut/Wrap/Freeze: $1.10/lb
Vac-Sealing: $1/bag
Disposal of inedibles: included
Refrigerated delivery to further-processor: included
All-Natural Dog Food
Sale on grass-fed, locally-procured raw dog food. $2.50/lb.
Supplies are limited! Please contact us by phone or email to reserve your order.
*Please note: we must receive your completed cutting order(s) no less than two days following your animal’s slaughter. Cutting orders received after the two-day deadline may result in a $20 late fee.

Slaughter Fees
- flat rate: $75
- Handling fee: $25 (on animals not being cut & wrapped on site)
We reserve the right to refuse animals which are contaminated (e.g. manure on hide, visibly abscessed) or injured.
- basic bone-in, standard cuts – flat rate: $75/animal
- any additional cuts (eg boneless) – flat rate: additional $25/animal
- additional $15 fee to keep the head
- vac-sealing: $1/bag
Refrigerated delivery to further-processor: included
* Please note: we must receive your completed cutting order(s) no less than five days following your animal’s slaughter. Cutting orders received after the five-day deadline may result in a $20 late fee.

Slaughter Fees
- Slaughter, dress, vac-seal: $12 each
Please contact us at (807) 935-2911 for bookings and details.